Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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South Asia

Canadian AFVs For Indian Army – Why Delhi Must ‘Check’ Stryker Deal That Kills Indigenous WhAP & Benefits Trudeau

In an age when the government emphasis is on ‘Make in India,’ the homegrown Wheeled Armoured Platform (WhAP) is facing tough competition from the...

India Invests Massive $14 Billion In Indigenous Aircraft; After LCA Tejas, Now Big LCH Prachand Deal On Cards

Though the export of India’s indigenously developed aircraft is yet to take off, the ‘Make in India,’ or the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ policy of the...

Nuclear-Armed Rafale Tilts The Scale In IAF’s Favor! India Outguns Pakistan In No. Of Nukes, Delivery Platform

"There is an underlying relationship between the will to spend (military expenditure) and the intent to kill," wrote thinker and author Sundeep Waslekar in...

Pakistan Adopts 4 New Strategies To Bleed Jammu & Kashmir; Report Hints At China’s ‘Hidden Hand’ In Conflict

From 2021 till date, Pakistan-sponsored terrorists have made no fewer than 26 cross-border attacks on the Indian army or police posts. From June 9...

2nd Trip In One Month! Sheikh Hasina To Meet Modi Again; What’s Cooking Between India & Bangladesh

OPED By: Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will visit India on June 21. This will be her second trip to the...