Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Vijainder K Thakur

Vijainder K Thakur is a retired IAF Jaguar pilot. He is also an author, software architect, entrepreneur, and military analyst. Reach out to the author at vkthakur (at)

India’s UAV Dream Shattered! DRDO’s ‘Indigenous’ TAPAS Drone Plagued By Poor Design & Bad Decisions – OPED

The TAPAS (Made in India Drone) had to go! Thankfully, it has gone! The mission mode project will reportedly not be funded by the...

Russia Finally Finds Counter To HIMARS Shoot & Scoot Capability; RuMoD Says 2 Launchers Destroyed

On December 31, 2024, the RuMoD reported that it had neutralized three MLRS launchers, including two HIMARS and one Alder MLRS, close to Selidovo...

Deadlier Than Hypersonic Weapon, Why Ukraine Fears Russia’s Kh-22 Missiles More Than Kinzhals?

Following the massive Russian missile and drone strike on Ukraine on December 29, 2023, Yurii Ihnat, spokesperson for the Air Force of the Armed...

Russia ‘Doubles’ Su-57 Production; Ukraine’s F-16 Fighters Likely To Face The Wrath Of RuAF Stealth Jets

On December 27, 2023, the UAC delivered the final batch of fifth-generation Su-57 fighters to the Russian Ministry of Defence (RuMoD) under the 2023...

Kh-47M2 Hypersonic Missile: Ukraine’s Kinzhal Shootdown Claims By Patriot SAMs Are All Bogus: OPED

Ukraine has periodically made claims of shooting down Kh-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic missiles launched by Russian Aerospace Forces (RuAF) MiG-31K fighters. On May 4,  2023, the...

Vijainder K Thakur

Vijainder K Thakur is a retired IAF Jaguar pilot. He is also an author, software architect, entrepreneur, and military analyst. Reach out to the author at vkthakur (at)